Innovative supply chain solutions with Advantus Health Partners

At Advantus Health Partners, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to supply chain solutions. Whether you’re a community hospital, academic medical center or national health system, we have solutions to meet your needs. Together, we’ll use our deep well of supply chain expertise, innovative mindset and supplier partner philosophy to help build a secure, optimal and sustainable future for your organization.

Advantus Plus+ Solutions

Our Advantus Plus+ Solutions offer innovative ways for your health care organization to meet its supply chain needs. You get a team of health care operators and clinicians with expert insights to guide you through decision making processes.

Drive product selection, reduce clinical variability and optimize product usage while controlling costs with patient outcome data.

Partner with Advantus for expert guidance and support to transform and augment your strategic direction.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Logistics management reduces waste and improves efficiencies by assessing supply chain operations, channel effectiveness and integrated distribution partnerships.

Conceptualize actionable insight from participating data in health care supply chain, business intelligence and advanced analytics.

Strong emphasis on standardized processes, efficient purchasing and optimal clinical outcomes to create resilient pharmacy services.

Drive product selection, reduce clinical variability and optimize product usage while controlling costs with patient outcome data.

Partner with Advantus for expert guidance and support to transform and augment your strategic direction.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Evaluate and identify optimization opportunities across your entire portfolio, including hospitality, healthcare technology management and more.

Logistics management reduces waste and improves efficiencies by assessing supply chain operations, channel effectiveness and integrated distribution partnerships.

Conceptualize actionable insight from participating data in health care supply chain, business intelligence and advanced analytics.

Strong emphasis on standardized processes, efficient purchasing and optimal clinical outcomes to create resilient pharmacy services.

Group Purchasing Organization

In addition to our core GPO solution, you’ll benefit from cost reduction, improved efficiencies, top quartile pricing and an ever-growing a compatible portfolio.

We do not seek out a wide array of products and suppliers to satisfy a broad market base with unsatisfactory pricing. Instead, we seek a narrower base with best-in-class pricing and unique contract language to solidify sustained value much beyond the point of inception. We believe that a sustainable contracting solution must be based on clinically proven standards, then matched strategically with optimal suppliers.

Community alignment

We place clinical leaders in the hospitals we serve. We build relationships with hospital clinicians and apply actionable data to help you improve clinical quality. Our teams manage new product introductions and streamline supply use with a focus on quality and cost.

Leveraged portfolio

Benefit from our defined contract portfolios, best-in-class pricing, strategic standardization and commitment. Our sourcing strategy targets top decile pricing supported by perpetual, contractual benchmark commitments.

Accountability & analytics

Gain access to our digital tools that provide analytics to improve visibility and effective decision-making.

Vendor fees

In our world, vendor fees come second. We do not measure our success on administrative fees alone, but instead align our customer’s goals and choose to focus on measurable value.

Modular by design

You can choose what works for your organization with our modular offerings. In other words, we want our value proposition to speak for itself. We are not asking for an “umbrella membership” that dictates alignment across a wide array of products and categories.

Our modular design allows you to choose individual Advantus Plus+ services and select GPO contracts to drive true value. We believe this approach creates alignment based on measurable results, not just a misrepresented compliance report.

Are you ready to learn how you can bring strategic supply chain management services and solutions to your organization?
